Monday, June 27, 2011

The Food Industry

      I'm sure you've all seen Tyson or Perdue's chicken products as you pass the freezers of the grocery store. I'm sure you've all also seen or even eaten at McDonalds, Burger King, or Wendy's, telling yourself that it's okay to eat fast food 'once in a while'. But have you ever stopped to think about what that Big Mac was made of, or where the chicken nugget in your hand came from? Probably not, because if you did and if you knew, then you most likely would not being eating them.
     Our food industry is not what it once was. What were once farms are now 'factories', and what was once an awareness, has now become an ignorance. Not that long ago, people used to understand where their food came from. Now, some people don't even know what is in their food and that is just plain sad. That is the purpose of this blog. To give people an understanding and awareness of where their food is coming from. To give people the truth. Because honestly, we're not getting much of it.